trisha and the pea

This girl at work, I'll call her Trisha, ate some Chinese food last Thursday.

This past Saturday while her and this other girl, let's say.....Pam, were at this arts and crafts festival called Christmas in the South, which they tried to drag me to but I opted out, Trisha had a headache.

A "really really really bad fucking headache" to use her words.

When she got out of Pam's car and the sunlight hit her eyes, she sneezed.

Out popped a pea.

Right out of her nose.

The last time she had eaten a pea was in the shrimp fried rice the previous Thursday.

Her headache went away and she spent too much money on "this fucking thing that broke the minute I got it home" to use her words.

Nothing more was said about the mysterious pea that got stuck in her head and gave her a headache.

October 30, 2001 | 4:31 p.m.

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