new and improved

I got one dope ass new template.

And I made it myself.

That is to say I totally ripped it off of one of my favorite albums.

This HTML shit drives a person fucking nuts don't it? I was up til midnight tweaking it and I still couldn't get the scrolly entry part to work so I tried some javascript type shit and it was far beyond my capabilities to deal with and then I tried some other shit and finally at four in the morning (I had gotten out of bed at 12:30 because I was just lying there wondering why it wasn't working) I got it done.

So if anything looks wrong on anyone's computer you can let me know but chances are I'm not gonna do shit about it unless you tell me how to fix it and then maybe.

Yesterday we went to see our nephew Zayne's soccer game and while we were driving around this huge complex wondering what color his jersey was and which one of the forty seven fields he was playing on we saw a woman holding her child up by the arms over by the bushes.

This child was taking a dump in the grass.

Cristi saw a turd exiting the body.

I just saw a tiny ass.

And afterwards we went to Sushi Neko and ate lunch and I bought one of their hats cause I like their logo.

And we also went to the farmer's market and I paid a bit too much for it but I found a true to life Where's the Beef? coffee mug.

That's right, bitches!

September 29, 2002 | 4:35 p.m.

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