up with people

Fu-Fu is one slap happy motherfucker tonight.

I have just found out that not only is the new Lambchop b-sides and unreleased on sale already on the Merge site, but also some European tour EP that I didn't know shit about. With 7 new songs! I think I just got aroused. Yes. Yes I did. No. Wait. No. Yes. Yes I did.

It doesn't get much better than Lambchop. Except for Vic. But that goes without saying.

And holy crap.....you don't wanna get me started on the tears that almost come to my eyes every time I listen to Vic's Salesman and Bernadette. I mean, Lambchop and Vic together.......I'm at a loss for words. Even now - a couple years after the fact.

My work here is done.

September 09, 2001 | 9:06 p.m.

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