i performed acts of devotion as if you were ganesh

You know that part in The Death of Ferdinand de Saussure where he goes "I'm just a great composer" then there's four claps?


Well I was listening to it today at work with my headphones on and when it got to that part I absentmindedly clapped out loud. I do that all the time at home or in the car, so I didn't think twice about doing it at work.

The thing is, they have this dumb new thing they're trying out called POWER HOUR (don't ask) where for two hours out of the day we're not to accept phone calls or answer emails. We're supposed to sit there and work hard. And I'm not really in that group of people that has to do all that bullshit cause I'm mainly in research and don't have to worry anymore about production, but my supervisor tells us to try and be quiet so it won't appear like we have free range to do whatever the hell we want while all the other lackeys are slaving away....but that doesn't matter.

What matters is I clapped out loud during this so-called POWER HOUR and I didn't even realize what I had done until I saw all these little heads popping up from the cubicles around me like little prairie dogs. And I was all "What? What?"

Then I realized what I had done.

Sometimes I get carried away.

October 02, 2001 | 5:54 p.m.

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