funky cold medina

At work they have us doing the Secret Santa dealie again. I opted not to participate this year because, rather than be like everyone else and get ONE person ONE gift, my co-workers think "Hey, what a novel idea I just came up with! How about, now hear me about we give a gift every Friday until Christmas!"

Not me. I got suckered into that shit last year and I went all out and bought the person whose name I drew very nice gifts if I must say so myself. In return I got a bag of circus peanuts and can of Fix-A-Flat. You might think I'm just trying to be funny, but I'm not. That's what I got.

And not only that, but then they decided "HEY! This is so much fun why don't we continue it year round and give someone a gift once a month!"

And again I got suckered in.

I remember getting a pack of Office Depot brand blank CDs and a hideously ugly pen. Around about April someone decided that this whole gift giving shit was for the birds and then everyone else was all "I'm glad you said something. I hate it."

I just sat there and thought "What a bunch of ass"

So anyway, the point is today I was walking around trying to exercise my bum knee - yeah I got a bum knee - and I walked past the desk of the girl who thought That 70s Show was "trashy"

On her list of things she wants her Secret Santa to get for her, which is stapled to her cubicle, it says:

1) Statler Brothers CD
2) Holy Bible (King James Version only PLEASE!)
3) I really really like anything having to do with angels
4) soap
5) shampoo

I couldn't make that up if I tried. A STATLER BROTHERS CD?!?! And I like how she included the word "Holy" to describe which kind of bible she wanted. Like someone was gonna run out and get the Satanic one by mistake.

This is one of the simple pleasures I get from living on the border of Alabama and Georgia.

undefined 01, 2001 | 12:36 a.m.

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