squeezably soft

Someone found my diary by searching for Hollywood Mayonnaise at Google.

I love the hell out of that!

I got a job yesterday. Well....a job offer. It's at some fucking call center type place, which, as everyone knows, is THE shittiest kind of job you could ever hope to find.

I went in at 2:30 for an interview and sat around and sat around and sat around and sat around and finally at 4:45 they said "Fu, we'll see you now."

And during those two hours sitting around I saw every lowlife, white-trash, piece of shit in Oklahoma walk through the door on their way to work. I was all "Oh FUCK! What the hell am I doing here?" but it did give me the balls to demand what I wanted out of the interviewer.

She was all can you work nights and I was all hell no and she was all is $7 an hour good for you and I was all hell fuck no and she was all okay we can make it more and I was all I don't wanna work weekends and I don't care for overtime and she was all oh you are the coolest cat that ever stepped forth into this office and may I please make a shrine to you after you've left so I may worship it long after you've departed this office and I was all whatever.

I gotta go back in Monday at 8:30 to tell her if I want her stupid fucking job or not. I don't want it. That's my answer to Diaryland. But I could always take it while looking for something better.

On a different subject...how come no one ever told me just how fucking easy cooking with Shake N Bake was?!?! We made some Shake N Bake pork chops last night and they was the bomb diggety bomb yo! I was all "It's Shake N Bake and I helped!"

I have errands to run.

January 10, 2002 | 9:49 a.m.

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