axel f

We got two fish today! But we had to get them in two separate bowls or else they would get all Mike Tyson on each other and start gnawing on stuff.

Fish stuff.

I named mine Tubbs. Squeeks named hers Crockett. We were gonna name one of them Edward and the other James Olmos but then decided to go with two characters who weren't so pockmarked.

Tubbs' skin is smooth like marble.

Brown marble.

Brown sexy make-me-wet marble.

Right now we have this Alka-Seltzer type stuff fizzing away in their new bowls and as soon as it's done its magic, we get to pour them in. Just like adding pierogies to boiling water.

They'll be dead in two weeks. But on the plus side....if they ARE floating tits up within 14 days, we can return them for new ones!

I wish more stuff worked on that principle.

January 12, 2002 | 7:19 p.m.

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