
I'll tell you what sucks ass.

Fucking Blockbuster sucks ass.

Those motherfuckers turned me over to a collection agency because I had a $12.24 late fee that I had put off paying.


Some Blockbusterite could eat two value meals from McDonald's for that chunk of change.


I shouldn't be surprised.

Rich companies have been fucking us ever since someone invented money. I don't know why it should be any different today.

Yes I have just finished reading American Scream, the Bill Hicks biography.

You know what's cool as all shit?

A Frosty from Wendy's.

One is sliding down the back of my throat as I type this.

I bought an old Polaroid Land Camera at an antique store in Nutbag, OK on the way home from Bumfuck, TX last weekend and now I'm having trouble finding film for it.

Any advice?

October 17, 2002 | 7:49 p.m.

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