Me and Yoko have a dream....

I'm gonna get right to it.

There's gonna be no pussyfooting around. No hemming and hawing. No skirting around the issue. This is my computer drawn rendition of what I saw today in the front yard of someone's house in my neighborhood:

It was about 6 feet tall and 4 or 5 feet wide...hand painted on a piece of what looked like plywood. Obviously a lot of thought went into it. I can't imagine someone just doodling in their workshop and coming up with it. No...someone deliberately and intentionally opened a can of paint knowing full well what they were about to do with it. They had to have been thinking about it all night long. A big ol' peace sign. Yea. That's it.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

What is wrong is Martin Luther King was never married to Yoko Ono and never had a bed-in as far as any history book I've ever read has led me to believe.

In other news...right now as I type this there is a piece of ass lettuce floating in my toilet.

I've recently gone back to being a vegeterian because the slaughter of innocent animals really makes me sad. PSYCH! I don't give a fuck about those animals. I've gone back to being a vegetarian because meat is overrated and I always used to feel better when I didn't eat it. But the point is....I've been eating a lot of greens.

Last night at Victoria's I had the best fucking Caesar salad known to man and then this morning I shit out the best fucking Caesar salad known to man only it didn't flush properly. I tried twice before getting in the shower but there was this one little piece of lettuce that wouldn't go down. I tried three more times when I got out of the shower but it was not going gently into that good sewer.

After a long grueling day at work and having passed the misquoted sign in the front yard on the way home, the last thing on my mind was my ass lettuce. So when I got home and ran to the bathroom to pee pee, there it was.

Just floating there.

So I pissed on it. When I flushed I thought finally it went down the drain but after a second it popped right back out of the hole and rose to the top.

If it's still there tomorrow morning I'm gonna have to name it.

February 05, 2003 | 8:07 p.m.

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