on the right track now

I went to the post office on my lunch break to mail some things, one of them going to Canada, and I had to fill out one of those green customs slips. I didn't have a pen with me so I asked the lady for one and she looked at me, winked, and said "Here's a special pen, Sugar."

I didn't think anything of it other than maybe she was trying to hint at me not to walk off with it because it was her favorite pen. After I was finished she said "Did my pen get you all excited?"

I was puzzled.

Then I looked at the counter where I had laid the pen down and I saw that the pen had Viagra written on it. Then I looked at her and she smiled at me with her gold teeth and I got the hell out of there.

I wonder what she would've done if the tables were turned and she borrowed a pen of mine and when she was finished I were to ask her "Does my pen make you feel all fresh?" and then she looked down in bewilderment and saw Summer's Eve written on it.

I'll bet she would've high-tailed it on out of there like I did. Not that I minded. I had a good laugh about it when I got back in the car. I just didn't want to stick around and see where the conversation was going.

August 29, 2001 | 6:14 p.m.

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